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Teaching recycling to students: 4 ideas for classroom lessons

How can we help teach our younger generations the benefits and how-to’s of sustainable waste management?

Here are our methods that can help make a visible change:

Be clear about the 3 R’s

It's becomes easy to show children what they can do to help by introducing them to the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) of the Waste Hierarchy.

Have colourful recycling bins and posters

One of the best ways to excite kids about the prospect of recycling is to offer them beautiful, colourful recycling bins and posters. By offering posters as educational materials too, we make it easier for schools and kindergartens to effectively and enthusiastically teach their students about what goes into each waste stream.

Make your own worm farm

To work with your Organics recycling bin, create a worm farm outside using soil and other materials which will in turn show students how their food waste is transformed into compost.

Utilise video clips to educate

Video can be the most captivating format to utilise for a younger audience – short, eye-catching clips to educate and capture their interest. The concepts of waste streams, the Waste Hierarchy and the growing amount of plastic in our landfills and oceans can be explained through the use of YouTube clips.

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