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Method bins are designed to last - we’re so confident that we provide a 5-year warranty, though we know this is still just the beginning. Recently, we visited the PWC offices and saw some of Method’s original production bins still in great condition after eight years.

So, Method’s End-of-Life Bin Program is centred around maximising the usable life of the materials and enhancing our communities in the process.

Method End-of-Life Bin Program

1 Can we repair it?

If you have a bin that has a fault, our customer support team will help you solve any issues.

2 Refurbish & Donate

Bins that are returned in usable condition are refurbished and donated to local charities or not-for-profits.

3 Recycled Locally

Method will organise to have end-of-life bins recycled with onshore recyclers.

Why recycle a product that still has life in it?

Reduce, reuse, recycle is a popular phrase for a reason; recycling is just one part of a regenerative system. Product Stewardship is more than having a recycling program; it's about taking a life-cycle approach to product design. Is it designed to last? Is it easily repairable? Does it require caustic cleaners?

When you create a quality product with materials that you value, then the best thing you can do is keep it in use as long as possible. We take a number of steps to keep our bins in use as long as possible:

1. Design for Purpose & Durability

We ensured that the materials and manufacturing process were designed to withstand the busy office environment and the weight of the waste. Learn more about the design here.

2. Make it Modular

Recycling rules change a lot, and so do the needs of an office. So Method’s bins are designed to be flexible and modular to make it simple and low-waste to add, change or move streams. Ultimately, this is the opposite of ‘planned obsolescence’, which has become more common.

3. Repair before replacing

Method always gives preference for repairing before replacing if any faults occur with your Method bins. This is why they come with a universal 3-year warranty; our team will help you to diagnose and repair any issues.

What about End-of-life Bins?

As we mentioned previously, our bins are sturdy, and often, when bins are returned it's due to a change in need, such as an office closing down. These bins still have a second life in them.

  1. Refurbish and Donate

Instead of recycling useful products, our team refurbishes them and donates them to local charities, not-for-profits or organisations doing good. In particular, we have a preference for local schools or kindergartens so that they can help educate the coming generations. Through this article there are photos of where refurbished bins have ended up.

9 B8 BCB4 D C6 D5 4611 9616 E7 D5 B688817 D Our team with donated bins at Everybody Eats Wellington

2. Recycle Locally

The last resort is recycling, Method will organise for the bins to be chipped down and for the materials to enter products made from recycled materials locally. As Method sells in New Zealand, Australia and the UK, we have different processes depending on the location. While the materials are of sufficient quality to be made into new Method bins, in Australia and the UK, it would create needless emissions to be returned to New Zealand.

New Zealand: Bins will be returned to our local manufacturers to be chipped down and added back into the recycled materials stream - ending up as new Method bins, flower pots and other quality products.

Australia & the UK:
Once a significant amount of materials has stocked up, the materials are sent to a local partner for recycling. As it can take years to accumulate a recyclable quantity due to the durably design, this is organised as and when needed - finding the best possible outcome available with local recyclers.

Want to learn more about Method’s commitments?