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Kōkako kick the conventions of packaging
Kōkako are a sustainable New Zealand coffee business who resonate with Method's values of design, transparency, innovation, and diverting waste from landfill.
From an ethical standpoint, every single one of their products can be found in durable, recyclable or compostable packaging.
Established in 2001, Kōkako have been operating for 16 years as Auckland’s first organic coffee roastery, supplying high-quality speciality coffee for the hospitality sector. They source their coffee from fairtrade organic coffee cooperatives in Papua New Guinea, Sumatra, Honduras, Colombia, Uganda, Ethiopia and Guatemala, with more origins and offerings being evaluated on a weekly basis.
“Design is in an integral part of our DNA and aesthetic,” says Mike Murphy, Company Director. “We’re always thinking about the user experience of our brand.”
Their mantra is ‘Kaizen,’ which translates as ‘continuous improvement’ in Japanese. What that means is they’re never complacent. They’re always looking to innovate with coffee, packaging and the rest of their merchandise.

“We’re not a follower; we want to be a leader.”
With their partners they go above and beyond a typical coffee/ supplier relationship, taking a considered, comprehensive approach to doing business. They’ll look at a hospitality business’ social media, marketing, design, operational flow - all of the things that make a business work. For consumers, Kōkako are a trusted brand to be relied upon with third-party certifications (certified organic by Biogro, and certified Fairtrade).
They are also passionate recyclers. ""If you make [recycling] easier for your staff, it makes it easier for them to get involved," says Murphy.
Thanks Kōkako for talking to us.
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