Planning your system

Every building and organisation has unique needs, but there are a few things we highly recommend you organise before starting your journey.

Establish a recycling & waste coordinator or team

One of the greatest resources any organisation has, is the passion and commitment of their team to make a difference. To see the best results with any new system, there needs to be a clear leader or team driving results and creating coordinated communications for the wider organisation. We suggest you form a green team, to execute the change, with people from all areas of the organisation. Read our comprehensive guide on forming a green team here.

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Understand the situation

We believe that what you measure you can manage, so before deciding on the solution for your workplace we encourage you to do a waste audit. You can do this internally using our DIY Waste audit guide or get an external organisation to execute one. Keep in mind that you should be aiming to find out the following:

  • What are your areas of greatest concern?
  • How much waste and recyclables you produce to inform the number of bins you’d required?
  • What kinds of waste you produce so you know what streams you need?
  • What are your strengths and existing tools?
  • What impact you can have and what are your goals?
Selecting a waste provider

Your partners-in-waste are a crucial part of achieving success with a recycling system – cleaners, bin providers, waste providers, and anyone who helps with your waste’s journey. Each and every waste provider is going to have a different way of collecting recyclables, depending on what they can take and how they separate them.

When comparing waste providers, you should look to find the one that best meets both your needs and your priorities on the following attributes:

  • What kinds of waste/ recycling does the waste provider collect?
  • How do they need you to separate it – does paper need to be separated?
  • How often do they need bins to be emptied?
  • How transparent are they? Can you visit their site and see what they’re doing with your waste?
  • Are they dependable and do they provide competitive prices?

Read the full guide to assessing waste providers here.

Understanding waste streams

Once you’ve selected your waste provider, you should know exactly how they want you to separate your waste and recycling, in order to inform the recycling bins you select for your workplace. We have a set of standard streams – as you can see below – but we have worked with many organisations who have found ways to recycle uncommon materials such as fabric, clothes hangers and batteries. Have an uncommon stream? We can work on a solution for you.

Don’t underestimate the power of organics collection in the workplace

Often overlooked is the collection of organics or food waste in the workplace, yet it's one of the easiest ways to reduce your waste – organics account for around one-third of waste on average. With the increasing prevalence of commercial composting facilities, these materials can be collected and turned into nutrient-rich fertilizer, helping to reduce Methane emissions. Find out more here.

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Bin selection and placement

Method’s philosophy of Open Plan Recycling is based on the removal of desk bins and any bins hidden in cupboards. This way, recycling is made a visible part of office design and changes the way individuals interact with waste and recycling in the workplace – employees have to get up from their desk and approach a station with each recycling and waste stream available to them. Through regular interaction with the colour coded bins, recycling will become an unconscious behaviour.

Why use Method bins?

  • Clear colour coded and labelled lids that guide separation
  • They’re made from 50% recycled materials and are fully recyclable
  • The bins are made from injection moulded polypropylene, meaning they’re sturdy, long-lasting, and have an enclosed base so there is no chance of leaking
  • Awareness is increased with a visible system
  • Open or closed lids are available for the Method Sixty Litre bins, helping them be far more effective
  • You can add, move or change streams or bins easily with the modular system, making them flexible for your space
  • We’re here to help, with years of experience with organisations around the world implementing effective recycling solutions. Our teams are always happy to help you to succeed
  • Proven to increase recycling rates – in FY2019 Method helped organisations to divert over 96 million KGs of waste from landfill/ incineration

Method has Sixty and Twenty-litre bins available so that you can have bins consistently throughout you’ve building, space or organisation. Consistency is one of the best things to build a habit, so by having consistent bins and streams will make recycling and unconscious habit for your team. The 60L bins are for large open plan spaces such as the office floor and event spaces. While the 20L bins are for smaller shared spaces such as the boardroom, kitchenettes or studios; anywhere you’d find a lone general waste bin and the sixties would simply be too big.

Bin placement is incredibly important in order to maximise the impact of your system. Each desk should be no more than a 10-second walk to the nearest station, while bins in smaller stations should be replaced with Method Twenties. We have a full guide available here.

Bins layout