Recycling bins that effectively change behaviours

Here at Method Recycling, we know the importance of educating the next generation about how to create sustainable habits and many schools have implemented Method bins to help teach effective recycling behaviours.

Method's beautiful bins are effective at helping people to create recycling as a habit with bold colours that match industry standards and clear graphics. Continued interaction with standardised bins makes recycling an unconscious habit.

Further, the beautiful bins create awareness and offer an opportunity to talk about and educate people about recycling. It's strange to think of a bin as a conversation starter, but many of our clients have found that the bins spark conversations creating the opportunity for a knowledge exchange; particularly with kids who are naturally inquisitive.

It’s amazing how many people are keen to do the right thing, but if you can’t provide the infrastructure then you won’t be able to get what you want.

Samantha Battman, Behaviour Change and Education Coordinator, Palmerston North City Council

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IMG 6008 Learning how to recycle at Beach Haven Kindergarten

Customer Profile

Beach Haven Kindergarten in Auckland is a 'Enviroschool' with aims “to foster a generation of people who instinctively think and act sustainably."

Bright and clear, their Method Recycling Station – made up of Paper, Soft Plastics, Landfill, and Mixed Recycling, with organic waste put into their worm farm and compost – has inspired and allowed the children to take an active role in sorting their waste.

Beach Haven have significantly reduced the waste they produce, while also encouraging parents, and those who work there, to think about ways that they can reduce the packaging in their lunch boxes. Method have helped this kindergarten make a visible difference.

Customer Logo NFP 07

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