Style vs Functionality: The Hidden Issues with Built-in Bins
Aesthetics vs. Sustainability Goals
The modern office is often designed to be sleek and minimalist, and having bins built into cupboards is the new norm. However, built-in bins create many hidden challenges. These problems often do not get considered during the original planning stages.
Built-ins might complement your office aesthetics, but they can make it harder to achieve your sustainability goals.
Built-ins are Unable to Grow with your Needs
Built-in waste solutions create challenges because they cannot adapt easily. Our team has seen many offices struggle as their fixed waste systems fail to keep up with new waste management requirements.
Recycling Standards Change Frequently
Recycling standards and requirements from the government and waste providers, change frequently. Organisations that choose built-in recycling bins lock themselves into current waste streams. This creates problems when new rules come out or better sorting methods emerge.
For example, when Container Return Schemes were introduced, many companies had 4 built-in bins. They either were unable to introduce the system or had a different style of bin spotted around that became contaminated.
Unable to Easily add Additional Streams to Increase Diversion
More than ever, organisations are working to reduce their environmental impact by reducing waste. A key part of this is adding additional streams that capture non-standard recycling streams. Commonly we see:
- Soft Plastic
- Beverage Containers
- Container Deposit Scheme
- Coffee Cups
- Coffee Pods
Built-ins are a major barrier to growing your waste system to reduce waste, it’s costly to change the built-ins — or you create waste by removing them.

Striking the Right Balance
The key to achieving both aesthetic appeal and functional, sustainable waste management lies in design that doesn't compromise on either. With open, adaptable recycling systems, businesses can create spaces that are visually appealing without sacrificing the practical needs of effective waste management. This approach ensures that sustainability goals are not only achievable but integrated seamlessly into the office environment—enhancing both the space and the impact.
“Method’s bins were a game-changer; their sleek lines, functionality and quality construction gave us a product that we were happy to put in prominent locations within our own studios as well as the office fit-outs we design for clients.”
Karl Wipatene, Senior Associate from HMOA, Herriot Melhuish O'Neill Architects

At Method, we have always believed that there doesn't have to be a trade-off between recycling and aesthetics. We designed our systems so that recycling can be visually appealing while also promoting behaviour change.
Karl Wipatene, Senior Associate from HMOA, Herriot Melhuish O'Neill Architects, said “Method’s bins were a game-changer; their sleek lines, functionality and quality construction gave us a product that we were happy to put in prominent locations within our own studios as well as the office fit-outs we design for clients.”
The Importance of Design for Behaviour Change
Good waste management requires more than just the right bins. It requires an environment that fosters positive behaviour change. At Method, we’ve designed systems that balance functionality and aesthetics, creating spaces that encourage conscious, sustainable choices.
Method’s Co-founders, Steven and India Korner spent three years researching and designing Method’s award-winning products and recyclable packaging – holding focus groups, preparing prototypes, and even assisting cleaners on night shifts.
They found that behaviour-changing design needs three things: visibility, accessibility, and consistency. Method’s well-designed recycling bins stand out instead of hiding them while beautifully complimenting modern aesthetics.
With this Open Plan Recycling was born. Method’s theory of change has been embraced by businesses around the world including world-leading British Architecture firm Foster + Partners, Microsoft ANZ, Canva, Atlassian and more.
Canva’s Global Office Architect Shamal Singh found “Method’s beautiful bins allow the sometimes daunting task of having four waste and recycling options to be manageable and scalable across our ever-expanding offices.”

By placing bins in stations, located strategically around your office you create the presence of choice. Users have all waste streams available in one spot, in plain sight it’s easier for them to put the waste in the right bin.
This turns recycling from a hidden task into an active choice.
Visibility goes beyond just seeing the bins - it’s about colour-coding, effective signage, and creating accountability.
Method’s bold colours and clear signage are an important part of education. With Method’s vertical signage in particular, you bring education to the user’s eye line with accessible fonts and clear iconography.
The visibility also creates accountability, being out in the open people are more aware that others can see them, and are more likely to make a more considered choice.

With consistency throughout a space, recycling can become an unconscious behaviour. A system becomes natural to users with consistent bin placement and clear recycling waste signs throughout the office - leading to lasting behavioural changes.
Open Plan Recycling shines because it adapts easily. These systems can grow with your organisation's needs while staying effective. Beautiful bins placed thoughtfully in open areas do more than just collect waste.
Built-in bins might look sleek in design mockups, but our experience shows they create more problems than they solve. Open Plan Recycling provides a better alternative that balances visual appeal with practical waste management needs.
Organisations can achieve remarkable improvements in recycling rates when their waste infrastructure becomes visible and available. The right placement of recycling bins, clear signage, and consistent design create an environment where users can make the right choice for their waste easily.
Open Plan Recycling systems adapt as your needs evolve. Built-in solutions lock you into current waste management standards. Flexible systems grow with your organisation, support new recycling streams, and stay effective over time. Better yet, a well-designed and durable bin can move with you, Method has a 5-year warranty on our bins, but bins from our first production run over 10 years old are still in use.
The right infrastructure leads to smart waste management. Companies that choose Open Plan Recycling boost their diversion rates and create lasting cultural changes that support their sustainability goals.
If you’ve got a new office fit-out coming up, get in touch with one of the Method team and we can help you set your organisation up for recycling success.